
Musings, thoughts, and tales from the trenches of Software Development

Case Study: Automated Book Conversion

Over the last few years, I have been toying with various plain text to document conversion methods. My most recent side project involved the conversion of millennia-old manuscripts into a modern, portable, digital format. This case study will outline the solution design process I followed, the trade-offs I made, and the outcomes of the initiative. Know that the process described here was done in about 30 minutes, over a cup of coffee and drawing some sketches.
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Pragmatism and Software Craftsmanship

The death of "Agile" In the world of software development, there is an undercurrent of people that believe that “if we can just find the right system, everything will go perfect”. If anyone ever manages to come up with the perfect cut-and-paste methodology that can be applied to any failing software project, and instantly transform it into a high-performing team, they will make millions if the marketing is adequate.
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Using a medieval workshop game to teach programming

The Workshop Method How it works In stead of starting the journey of your students by familiarizing them with the syntax and quirks of the programming language of your choice, teach them to solve problems in the way you would solve them in code. With very small, discrete, steps that are executed sequentially to get to a result. In order to do this, we introduce the metaphor of the Medieval Workshop.
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Autodeploying applications on containerized weblogic instances

How a simple automatic deployment plugin turned into a wild bantha chase Storytelling This week, I started working as a freelance software consultant. Since I am very new to the team, I was actively looking to contribute something of value to the team as soon as I could. Today I was asked to do a simple task: updating some library and deploying all dependent applications on the development servers.
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